
Emme is 3 months old today!

It's Sunday, April 18, 2010,

Emme's 3 month birthday!

She is "talking" more and actually beginning to enjoy a little time away from my shoulder.
Over the last 3 months I have averaged 17 hours each day/night holding her. Now she is enjoying spending
a little time in the swing & laying on her back, NOT her tummy, looking at her toys. Her favorite book isn't,
"My Mom Loves Me More Than Sushi" as I had hoped, but "Baby's First Touchy-Feely Book" from
her Marmie.  Oddly enough she loves her changing table in her room, the ceiling fan, & she is amazed by
the outdoors and "coo's" when the wind blows against her face. 
My MiMi is a very happy baby, very rarely cries, and full of sweet smiles!

One of the cutest things is, at times when I tell her I love her, I have tears well up in
my eyes, and now she does the same. She intently attempts to say it back to me as the little tears
begin well up in the corners of her eyes.

We so heart each other!! :)